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I am proud to introduce my cattery!

Our cats live in multiple parts of the house including the kitchen, the living room and even a bathroom. Multiple cat trees are at their disposition and we give a lot of importance to the socialisation of the kittens.

The kittens are generally born in our presence, which they constantly need.
For the first 2 weeks, the kittens are installed in a small room with a heated cushion. They can enjoy a quiet space that is heated, away from the other cats. From the beginning the kittens are handled and weighted everyday.

Then they leave to go to the maternity section, where they can get familiar with all the new sounds and images. The maternity is made to answer both the kittens and mother’s need. Its in this room that they will learn how to drink, eat and use the litter. The mother can leave the maternity at all time from the superior level.

When the babies are old enough, we open the maternity door so that they can explore a bigger environment. Their space is equipped with a cat wheel, cat trees, screwed in modules on the wall and multiple hiding spots.

After the first vaccine the kittens have access to the second part of the cattery and can now socialise with other cats. It is not rare to see a kitten switch mother (if we have multiple litters of cats at the same time).